Images tagged with "reward learning"

Found 5 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
42706 Choice probability Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans BOLD correlates of model-derived choice probability estimates for the chosen option.
42707 Generalization of choice probability Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans BOLD correlates of model-derived choice probability generalization due to (yoked) bandits.
42708 Connectivity between ventral striatum generalization ROI and whole brain Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans Correlation (PPI main effect) of right ventral striatum generalization ROI with activity across the whole brain during trials.
42709 Generalization behavioral benefit correlation with ventral striatum - whole-brain connectivity Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans Correlation of right ventral striatum ROI connectivity (PPI trial main effect) and individual differences in model fit (likelihood) due to generalization.
43847 Choice probability Episodic Memory Encoding Interferes with Reward Learning and Decreases Striatal Prediction Errors BOLD correlates of the model-derived choice probability estimates for the chosen option, across the task with incidental pictures and task with no incidental pictures.